Well, Friends---I've been thinking of how to introduce this New Light Year--for those who see it as a New Year---& this is what I came up with---
This is A New Start, A New Beginning... New Choices, New Decisions---Choose wisely, For there is only One Religion---Love, One Language---Love, One Purpose---Love--Your fellow Ma...n/WombMan as You Love Yourselves... & If You can't find a way to do this---
Look in the Mirror DAiLY & State with a humble & sincere heart---I LOVE YOU!
Then watch the miracles begin to flow in Your Be Ing...Be Grateful for all things no matter the circumstances.... Forgive those who have "wronged" You...& Make "Good" with those YOU have "wronged"...
I've been watching & observing, WombMan respect Yourselves More! You have been chosen to create & bring forward Life! But what are you bringing? More of You! Look @ Yourself! Men, Rise up & become who you've been chosen to be! Pull your pants up! & if You're not, tell those that are--You're accountable---
No More HATE spreading---Hate is easy, Love takes Courage---Don't Be a Coward! If the things you're currently doing only works in favor of a specific group--Don't Do It! Be sure that the things You are promoting helps in the EvoluTion of the collective consciousness of all the Hues of Manity (Humanity)---Grow daily in all Your ways......I'm just sayin before it's tooo late...