Just Some Great Tunes

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Save On Your Gas!!!

Increasing your car’s gas mileage is providing you with
This FREE Report that gives you the tips that could do that!

Part 1

The only way to know if you have increased your car’s gas mileage efficiency is to keep a written record of the miles driven and the gas consumed. Many late model cars have computers that allow you to see average and running mileage. What you need to know is what you are averaging now, and what you are averaging by using the tips provided. Here is how to determine you car’s gas consumption, per mile: 
Fill you car’s tank in the late afternoon or early morning. In a log, write down which station and pump you used, and the direction you car is facing. Fill you car to the brim (until the pump automatically cuts off). Write down the mileage showing on your car. Drive a minimum of 150 miles, driving as you normally do. Go back to the same station, the same pump, facing the same direction, and fill up again. Subtract the old mileage from the new, and divide the number of gallons you just bought into the miles you have driven. This will give you the average. This is the number we want to help you improve on ....while driving the same car, but with some big differences! Mostly, reducing fuel costs is just a shift in mind set – from buying fuel to managing it. It’s also about dropping bad habits and becoming more conscious of fuel use.

If there is one major thing I can recommend, it’s that....SLOWING DOWN SAVES GAS, and it SAVES LIVES. So SLOW DOWN! Speeding is not only dangerous, it wastes fuel and creates higher levels of toxic emissions. Decrease your interstate speed form 70 mph to 60 mph.Yes, it might take you an extra 10 minutes to travel 70 miles, but look at the decrease in traffic accidents and deaths, and the fuel savings. You’ll arrive more rested and will enjoy the trip more.
But I have more tips.....visit:Xtreme Fuel Treatment

Check back later...

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